Focus Focus Focus!!!

Need I say anything!



Cheers & Joy, Always!


All we have is TIME!


So as you can see I am trying to get back into the groove and post more.. Still Time to get to my normal self, click more and share even more…

Speaking of Time, I am spending a lot of it with my lil wonder and he inspires me to share something very special with you all out there.

All we have is Time with our lil ones, 

It’ll fly and they’ll grow 

All that will remain are memories 

Of moments spent sharing Joy, Making magic and Spreading Happiness. 

So make the most of those moments

They are never going to be enough

& I promise not a single moment with them

Is ever gonna be waste of your Time

Because when you measure your Life’s worth

They definitely will be the treasures you Cherish the most!


Happy Days!

Cheers & Joy , Always!


Face the Sun!

Hello !!

It’s time to remind everyone to keep looking at the sun. Its only gonna do us all a whole lot of good.

Cheers & Joy, Always!

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Face the Sun!

Facing the sun…




Sometimes in life, you take up a new direction, a different path and follow a completely unknown road. The beginnings are full of zeal and enthusiasm, motivating you every step of the way. But as you tread that path for long, the newness fades away and so does the excitement of it. That is when your determination is put to test. This quote by Billy Cox says it all. Hope it motivates you too!

Keep going!

Cheers & Joy, Always!

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Quote//Determination

Be determined, Keep moving!