

This is one of the best quotes I’ve heard lately. Sometimes all you actually need is a Smile to make this world a better place.

“The robbed that Smiles, steals something from the thief”

-Willian Shakespeare

CooesNCuddles//Smile//Smile more!

Smile more!

Cheers & Joy, Always!



Hi there,

When it comes to Childhood, no words are ever gonna be enough to explain what it is. You gotta see it happen in front of your eyes, experience the moments and cherish them forever.

Here’s a click, which almost comes close to summing up one Happy moment of Childhood!


Cheers & joy, Always!

cooesncuddles//childhood//Childhood be Like this!



Dream Big!


I am now wrapping up another successful year. I believe if you’ve gone through the whole year, lived through the ups and downs, done your thing, strut your stuff and are still here smiling over it, you’ve had a successful year indeed. I have!

Now all that is needed is for me reminisce on the events of 2016, take the learnings forward to 2017 and of course think how the New Year can be better than before. I wouldn’t call this a cliched “Setting up New Year Resolutions” kind of thing, but a step towards my growth into a better me, a better us. I don’t even have a long list, just 2-3 lil steps towards a better future not just for me but my small lil family. It’s something I am not waiting to start, but have already begun when I first thought of it.

I’ve decided to share the most important change I plan to bring about now. A change that hopefully will alter how we all Dream and of course Live our Dreams. I hope that starting now, we as a family, will try and implant the seeds of Bigger Dreams, Unending Possibilities and Wider Horizons in our home. We hopefully will be able to foster an environment rich enough for our child to Champion his passions and of course for him to grow into a Big Dreamer. Only as we set examples of Bigger Adventures and  Deeper Passions that we pursue, will we be able to be the Role Models for our lil Dreamer.

I’d like to end with a small note not just for lil ones, but for the Child within all of us. Any moment is a good moment to have a Dream and any Dream is Achievable. So go on Dream Big !

Happy New Year 2017!

Bring it on!


Dream Big!!

Cheers & Joy, Always!



Cousins Connect!

Everytime they are together,  I see a bond so pure and so special. A bond with no hangups and no complications, only love and joy. Although they are poles apart, I believe they will always be connected by the heart.

Cheers & Joy, Always

cooesncuddles/Cousinconnect/poles apart

Connected !



Holiday Mini Sessions

It’s that time of the year again… yes the Holiday Mini Sessions are here. YEY!

Cooes N Cuddles Photography is now booking mini sessions between 25 Nov 2016- 5 Dec 2016 for Child/Family/Couple Portraiture at 550AED only.

Cheers & Joy, Always!



Precious & Precious!


Surely you must be thinking why I added a second precious to an already existing one in my title today. So when ever I work with siblings, I notice one very simple but evident thing. For mothers , both her children are equally precious in their own special ways. Every child is unique and a mother cherishes each child equally but differently. And my Precious & Precious signifies exactly that. And of course that they look precious!!!

Here’s presenting a super boisterous brother sister duo, Nuan & Hikmat. They were a joy to work with. Their mom & dad surely are lucky to have such adorable kids.

Cheers & Joy, Always!


Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Precious & Precious//The Duo

The Duo!

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Precious & Precious// 2 brats here

2 Brats here!

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Precious & Precious//I rock!

I rock!





A few days back I had the pleasure of capturing the beautiful dynamics between 2 sisters( 2.5yrs & 1 yr old). All I want to say can be summed up with the quote below & my pictures too.

“Having a Sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid off. You know whatever you do they’ll still be there.”

Too true isn’t it!

Cheers & Joy, Always!





Spare Moments! {WPC}


With a few moments to spare today, I decided to work on some images from a few weeks ago. I clicked these moments while my son and my niece enjoyed their spare moments doing exactly what kids were born to do. It’s perfect for the Weekly photo challenge- Spare.


Cheers & Joy, Always!

cooesncuddlesphotography/SpareMoments/Joys of childhood

Joys of Childhood


Happy Women’s Day!

Here’s to all the Special & truly Wonderful Women everywhere. Always be Awesome, just the way you are.

Cheers & Joy, Always!

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Happy Women's day

Happy Women’s Day!




This DIWALI let’s see what this lil star has to say to us.

“Listen very carefully, I am going to say it just once.”

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Happy Diwali//Pay Attention

Pay Attention!

“I know we all love keeping track of the flowers in our Garden…

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Happy Diwali//Don't Count

Don’t Count!

… but we shouldn’t forget to ‘Smell the Roses’ too. And be Happy with what we have.”

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Happy Diwali//Smell them!

Smell Them!

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Happy Diwali//Be Happy

Be Happy

“As simple as that. Wish you all a very Starry Diwali this year.”

Cooes N Cuddles Photography//Happy Diwali//Starry Diwali to you!

Starry Diwali to You!

So my lil one summed it all up so sweetly. Hope you all have a Happy and Safe Diwali!!!

Cheers & Joy, Always!